BeHere / 1942
A New Lens on the Japanese
American Incarceration

Masaki Fujihata

Thank you for visiting BeHere / 1942. By continuing to use BeHere / 1942, you are accepting the terms of use set out in this privacy policy.

BeHere / 1942 Does Not Collect Personal Information:

The BeHere / 1942 application does not access, collect, store, retain, or share any personal data from your device. BeHere / 1942 does not provide any personal information to third parties. BeHere / 1942 requests access to your device’s camera, photo library, and GPS information only to utilize the application’s AR functionality. The device’s camera and photo album are accessed only so users can save and share the AR pictures and videos they make. Photos and videos are stored locally on the device and BeHere / 1942 does not have any access to users’ photo library. No GPS location data is collected by BeHere / 1942, nor is any location data made available to third parties.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact:

Please note that email addresses will be used only for contact purposes. Email addresses will never be shared with third parties.

Privacy Policy Effective Date:

Behere / 1942 may change this privacy policy in the future. If Behere / 1942 makes any changes to this policy, we will change the “Last Updated” date below.

Last Updated: April 12, 2022